Clear the air for allergy season
If you suffer from chronic seasonal allergies, you know immediately when there’s a change in the air. Improving your indoor air quality with an air purifier can help you get through your toughest seasons.mcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Your airborne allergy symptoms can ebb and flow over the course of the day. Satori Clean Air Systems destroy mold you can’t see.
When your body reacts to allergens, it’s an immune response to a perceived threat. For many people, indoor allergies are felt more acutely at night when the body’s immune response sees a dip in allergy-regulating hormones. Satori Clean Air Systems directly attack allergens like pollen and ragweed that circulate in your building’s interior, reducing your immune response, and your symptoms.
Where you live could be making your allergies worse.
You can’t always help where you live, but you can limit your exposure to devious environmental allergens like pollen. Whether you experience year-round allergies or feel allergies in the summer and spring, optimizing your indoor air quality can help mitigate discomfort or inflammation.
Protect your indoor air with Path Away’s powerful destruction abilities.
Dust, dust mites, pet dander, mold, and VOCs. These are just a few of the many allergens hiding in your home. Satori Clean Air Systems destroy seasonal allergens like pollen and ragweed, as well as dust mites, VOCs, and pet dander. Breathe cleaner air today!